ekonomi hitam bahasa Inggris
- ekonomi: economic; economics; economies; economy; locatio;
- hitam: black; inky; sable antelope; dusky; ebony; sooty;
- wilayah ekonomi tanah hitam pusat: central black earth economic region
- wilayah ekonomi tanah hitam tengah: central black earth economic region
- organisasi kerja sama ekonomi laut hitam: organization of the black sea economic cooperation
- hitam: black; inky; sable antelope; dusky; ebony; sooty; bleak; dim; black person; negro; fatal; sable; calamitous; negroid; soot black; blackamoor; fateful; jet black; ebon; blackness; inkiness; moss agat
- ekonomi: economic; economics; economies; economy; locatio; pational; planne; economics sidebar; economic science; social studies; sparing; economic system; frugal; social science; scotch; political economy;
- albatros hitam: sooty albatross
- anggrek hitam: coelogyne pandurata
- angsa hitam: black swan
- armada hitam: black armada
- awan hitam: black clouds
- badak hitam: black rhinoceros
- baju hitam: blackshirts
- bambangan hitam: black bittern